
私が立つ場所はかつて海岸線だった/Where I stand was once the coastline

Photo by 縣健治


When I was confronted with a rock mass in the Shibahara area, I felt as if I had seen traces of the earth in constant motion. A part of the rock mass was buried during land reform, and the area is now covered with fields. I felt the presence of human activity there. My experience of 3.11 has made me think about what the ground is, the structures built on it, and how human activities can be carried out there.
I repeatedly interviewed townspeople to learn more about the buried rock mass and what it was like back then. In the interviews, I found fragmentary but realistic scenes, such as the fact that before the land was improved, there was a farm road that passed between the rocks and that the road was moved by a plow, and that dynamite was used to remove a tremendous amount of rocks during the construction of the Kido River.
One man said, “I remember the third rock well because it was surrounded by rice paddies and only one section was a wilderness. It was probably just big enough for two adults to enclose. Now I think that rock was around the boundary of Mr. Takamiya’s house.”
Another person who knew how the land was improved said, “I think they dug a hole beside the rock and dropped it there. I think it was before the irrigation channel next to what is now the Kido River, but I don’t know the exact location or depth.”
We dug up the burial site, which gradually emerged during the repeated interviews.
Using the rock buried nearly half a century ago as a starting point, I would like to think about the connection between human activities and the environment through the landscape that exists there, and from where I stand today.
